COVID-19 - C2C Production Status, Office Status & AUD$ update– Coast 2 Coast Sports Spain

COVID-19 - C2C Production Status, Office Status & AUD$ update

  • by Benjamin Davidson
COVID-19 - C2C Production Status, Office Status & AUD$ update

Dear Clients, Partners & Suppliers:

The team at C2C hope you are safe and healthy and withstanding the many current pressures being experienced globally.

Thank you for the many queries, regarding our well being, capacity and delivery times, which will be covered below.

C2C Workplace Status

We are acutely aware of ‘flattening the curve’ and minimising the risk of infection to our staff, the community and our customers.

C2C will follow all government directives regarding operations and will advise if this impacts our delivery of products and services.

In AUS we have 2 people on reduced hours duty at our premises from 8.30am to 2.30pm. 

1 in the office and 1 in the warehouse / decoration area, which are separated.

Communicating with Us

We are online and ready to engage and we love sharing screens online, with the majority of our team working remotely.


Skype: C2C_Sales

Email: or your direct contact

China Production Status

Our long term China partners and contractors have implemented health and safety precautions as directed by the China government.

We are currently well stocked with materials, inks, papers, trims, accessories and components for normal production and trading.

Production capacity is normal and with the understandable drop in demand for our products, we have normal order processing times.

Freight Capacity and Freight Costs

Courier freight and air freight capacity has been reduced and therefore demand increased, causing significant delays and cost increases.

This is due to multiple reasons including;

  1. The ban on international and domestic travel has grounded fleets of aircraft globally that also carried freight
  2. Remaining global freight capacity is in huge demand for medical and personal protective equipment
  3. Quarantine is very active
  4. Remote work and necessary safe distancing at work places is reducing efficiency
  5. Port congestion has caused further delay

Sea freight transit times have been extended to a minimum 14 days which is the recommended self isolation time. 

As circumstances change, we will advise our customers accordingly.


Pakistan Production Status

Pakistan is in a Country wide lockdown until April 7th.

Our Pakistan orders were nearly up to date, with a few customers affected, who will be advised accordingly.

AUD$ Status

With the fluctuating AUD$ our pricing will need to be adjusted with 5-day quotes only. We can quote and accept payment in USD$ if necessary so any appreciation is passed on and transparency on our costs.


Our Experience

At C2C, we have our founders, Elizabeth (Liz) and John Davidson and an experienced management team and great loyal staff behind us. 

John and Liz have each been in business for over 50yrs, with 33 of them with C2C and together, we are confident we will get through this pandemic too. 

John was born during a great war into a single parent family and has said, mutual support of our valued staff, loyal customers, vital partners and critical suppliers is how we will get through this.

Like many from John’s generation, he has seen war, 22% interest rates, stock market crashes, multiple droughts and fought life taking bushfires, 50yrs of marriage and more impossible delivery deadlines then imaginable.


The Future

The team at C2C are here to support you in whatever way we can and would love to hear from you. 

We are taking this time to improve our offerings and prepare for the re-opening of normal services. 


Best Regards,

Ben Davidson & the C2C team

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